Friday, March 14, 2014

33 and Happy To Be!

I celebrated my 33 birthday on March 1, and have been thinking about what this awesome number means to me. To be honest, I'm just happy to still be standing, literally.

33 is the largest positive integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers. It is also the smallest odd repdigit that is not a prime number.*
However, to me this elegant number represents a new beginning to really focus on my personal projects, as they will be worth my while. I feel it. Also, this message keeps popping into my head, so I'm writing it down: 
"All things are possible. All you need to do is ask."
Other words that have made themselves known to me in these fourteen days are:
  • increase spontaneity
  • self-expression
  • communication
  • inner peace
  • manifesting and manifestation
  • compassion and blessings
  • inspiration
  • honesty
  • discipline
  • bravery and courage

Isn't this just a fantastic list?! I think so too and can't wait to see what the rest of this year will bring. I am just so glad to be starting this year out on two good legs, as I am officially done with physical therapy, and am working on building up my left leg strength with the after care program. I have an appointment with my primary care doctor on the 19, so I can get signed off on that. After that, it's really up to me to put the pedal to the excuses, just action :)

*This definition of 33 was taken from Wikipedia.